Public Testimony

Public Testimony at Regular School Board Meetings
The Seattle School Board welcomes members of the public to the Regular meetings of the Board and dedicates time at these meetings to hear from the public on agenda items and other issues of concern.
It is important for all community members to feel welcome and safe in the Board’s business meetings. Audience members will be expected to treat all attendees with respect and civility, just as Seattle Public Schools expects of students in our schools.
Public testimony will be taken in person and by teleconference from those who sign up to provide testimony and who are placed on the testimony list per the process described below.
Per Board Procedure 1430BP, the order of public testimony will be determined as follows: the student speaker from the assigned district high school and then those speaking to agenda action items, then agenda introduction items, and then items of general interest. Current district students who sign up through the process outlined in Board Procedure 1430BP, identify themselves as students, and are among the 20 (or 25) speakers on the speakers list, will be placed immediately following the first speaking slot. To learn more about the order of the testimony list, please read more on our website.
To sign up for public testimony, members of the public should sign up online. The online form to sign up will be open between 8 a.m. on the Monday before the meeting and 4:15 p.m. the day of the meeting.
Sign-up form is available in Amharic, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Simplified Chinese.

What would you like to submit?

What's on your mind?

Tell us who you are

(Select one or more)
Seattle Public Schools Student
Seattle Public Schools Employee
Seattle Public Schools Parent/Guardian
Community Member