Tonka Online

Quick facts:
  • Tonka Online is approved by the Minnesota Department of Education and the NCAA to provide a high quality online learning experience.
  • All high school or incoming high school students are welcome to enroll in Tonka Online on a part-time basis. You do not need to be a Minnetonka High School student.
  • Tonka Online does not yet offer a full-time course load. It is designed to enhance, not replace a traditional high school experience.
  • FREE or For-a-Fee: When Tonka Online is selected as part of a student's regular schedule within the school day, there is no charge for the Tonka Online course. However, if students are taking a Tonka Online course as an extra class, there is a fee. The course fee is $325.00 per one-semester course; except for Tonka Online P.E. Fitness A or Wellness B, which is $199.00 per term.
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