Please correct the following errors.
Parent / Guardian Information
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
(Best Way to Reach You)
Street Address
Zip Code
Preferred Language
Student Information
First Name
Last Name
Student Identification Number
School Name
Adams ES
Alston Ridge ES
Alston Ridge MS
Ballentine ES
Banks Rd ES
Barwell ES
Brassfield ES
Brier Creek ES
Carpenter ES
Durant Rd ES
Durant Rd MS
Frankie Lemmon
Harris Creek ES
Herbert Akins ES
Herbert Akins MS
Heritage ES
Heritage MS
Hodge RD ES
Holly Grove ES
Holly Grove MS
Holly Springs ES
Jones Dairy ES
Lake Myra ES
Laurel Park ES
Lockhart ES
Lufkin Road MS
Middle Creek ES
Morrisville ES
North Forest Pines ES
North Garner MS
Oak Grove ES
Olive Chapel ES
Parkside ES
Pine Hollow MS
Pleasant Union ES
Rand Road ES
Rolesville MS
Salem ES
Salem MS
Sanford Creek ES
Sycamore ES
Timber Drive ES
Turner Creek ES
Vance ES
Walnut Creek ES
West Lake ES
West Lake MS
Wilburn ES
Willow Springs ES
Street Address (if different from Parent)
Zip Code
When will this student need transportation?
AM/PM (round-trip)
AM only (morning rider)
PM only (afternoon rider)