If you would like to report the presence of a hate symbol or graffiti at your school/site, please use this form

If you want to file a complaint about sexual harassment or sexual assault, please use this form to file a complaint directly with the Title IX office.
This is an image
Check below why you believe you experienced discrimination and/or harassment:Question is mandatory
Site where act(s) of discrimination and/or harassment occurredQuestion is mandatory
Where did it take place?Question is mandatory
Please tell us who this person is:Question is mandatory
Did the act(s) of discrimination and/or harassment occur more than once?Question is mandatory
How can we contact you? Question is mandatory To receive a personalized response, please enter your name and at least one method of contact. If you would like to receive a response but keep your identity hidden from us, enter your email address and select 'Hide your contact information from the district.'

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