The Office of the Ombuds provides confidential, independent, impartial and informal support for families, employees, and Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) community members in resolving LCPS issues/concerns.

We need your assistance in evaluating the effectiveness of the Office of the Ombuds. Please take a few minutes to complete the following survey. All responses will remain confidential. Thank you in advance for  your participation. 
How did you learn of the Office of the Ombuds?Question is mandatory
Was it easy to find out about how to contact the Office of the Ombuds?Question is mandatory
was courteous and respectful.Question is mandatory
role was explained to me.Question is mandatory
responded timely to my communication (e.g., phone calls, emails, etc.)Question is mandatory
carefully listened to my issue/concern.Question is mandatory
understood and offered pertinent and accurate information.Question is mandatory
helped to identify and evaluate options to address my issue/concern.Question is mandatory
worked to remedy the concern/issue promptly.Question is mandatory
Overall, I am satisfied with the Office of the Ombuds, regardless of the outcome of my issue/situation. (check only one)Question is mandatory
Select any one option below 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree.
If you did not have the option to correspond with the Office of the Ombuds about your issue/concern, what action would you have taken? (check all that apply)Question is mandatory
What was the result of your communication with the Office of the Ombuds? (check all that apply)Question is mandatory
What is the likelihood you would recommend the Office of the Ombuds? (check only one)Question is mandatory
Select any one option below 1 being very unlikely and 5 being very likely.

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