Are you struggling with food insecurity? Are you skipping meals to make ends meet? Tulane Campus Services is here to help.
How does this program work? Students are eligible to receive three meal swipes, at no cost, to dine in the Dining Room at Malkin Sacks Commons, Green Wave Grill, Surfing Pelican and The Opening Bell. Additional Swipe Out Hunger meal requests will not be honored until the previous requested meal swipes have been used. Swipes must be used by the end of the current semester. Swipes will be added on our next business day after your request.
Does this impact my financial aid? Accepting these meals will not impact your financial aid.
Can I reapply if I still have a need? Yes. Students can request additional meal swipes up to TWO times per semester. On your third request, we will provide a care connection to the Case Management and Victim Support Services team should you need additional assistance moving forward.
How do I apply? Simply type in your Splash Card number below and we’ll do the rest.
How do I ask questions about the Swipe Out Hunger Program? Email campusservices@tulane.eduand someone will reach out to you with additional information.