The Bibb County School District prohibits bullying of a student by another student. In the event a student has committed the offense of bullying or been the victim of bullying, the school will notify the parent(s), guardian(s) or other person(s) having control or charge of such student. Upon a finding that a student has committed his/her first or second offense of bullying, said student will be subject to the penalties and consequences of Level III or IV discipline listed in the Student Code of Conduct. Upon finding that a student in grades 6-12 has committed the offense of bullying for a third time in a school year, the student will be subject to Level V consequences and may be assigned to an alternative school setting.

Before you complete your report, think about the definition of bullying. Does this report qualify as bullying?

This is an image
Which campus is this report for?
Please indicate the grade level of the person being bullied, harassed, intimidated or harmed.
Where did this incident occur?Question is mandatory
When did this incident occur?
Did this event occur via an electronic device?Question is mandatory
Please indicate the date of this incident.
How many times has this situation occurred?Question is mandatory
Have you reported this incident to an adult?Question is mandatory
Tell us who you areQuestion is mandatory
(Select one or more)
How can we contact you? Question is mandatory

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