This form is for parents, students and Loudoun County residents to offer input, comments, suggestions and complaints to school officials. Once the form is submitted, it will be routed to the appropriate office, department or school principal.

Complaints receive a written response within thirty (30) calendar days.

Please review Policy 8070, Written Comments and Complaints, for full guidelines and processes regarding this LCPS Written Comment and Complaint Form.

Note: To receive the most timely response to complaints regarding Special Education concerns, Title IX complaints or transportation issues, please submit directly to that office. 

  • For complaints and comments based on disability and or possible Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), please submit a written grievance with the school division's Section 504 Coordinator. Please see LCPS Regulation 8030-1 for information on how to file a grievance of alleged discrimination.
  • Title IX-related matters please submit to the LCPS Title IX Formal Complaint Form. Visit the Title IX page for more information.
  • Transportation concerns please submit to the Transportation Concern Registry
Are you submitting a comment or complaint?Question is mandatory
Are you a parent/guardian, student or a Loudoun Resident with no children in LCPS?Question is mandatory
Select a school.Question is mandatory
Categories of Comment of Complaint

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