
A student may be approved for a transfer to a district campus outside the student’s designated attendance zone based on the following reasons: 

  1. A full-time district employee may request a transfer for their child in grades K-12.
  2. The student wishes to take a course for high school credit that is not offered at their assigned school.
  3. The ARD committee of a special education student seeks placement due to educational need.
  4. An out of district student in grades 9-12 meets attendance, discipline and grade requirements.

Under strict guidelines, certain students may be eligible for a transfer to a campus other than where they are zoned to attend. Please see guidelines for more information.

Note: For transfers of students who are victims of bullying, see FDB (LEGAL). For transfers of students who attend a persistently dangerous school, become victims of a violent criminal offense, or become victims of sexual assault, see FDD.  

New Caney ISD will not provide transportation for transfer students.

Click here for student transfer request procedures, forms, and FAQ. 

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