SOMSD Strategic Plan

With the arrival of new Superintendent Dr. John J. Ramos, Sr., SOMSD embarked on a journey to develop a new Strategic Plan which will serve as a blueprint for the future of our schools. Rather than trying to adapt an old educational system designed for the needs of the industrial era to be more relevant to the needs of today, the goal of the Strategic Plan is to create a new system which prepares students for a future that we have yet to imagine. This process will be a collaborative effort so that the plan ultimately represents the values of our community and the needs of our students.

The Strategic Planning process has multiple phases, and we are striving to ensure that a wide variety of perspectives are included in every step along the way.

For more information, visit our website.

We invite community input into which deliverables you believe are the most urgent, or have the greatest potential for change, and would like to see implemented early in the process.  Please share your feedback using the form below.

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