News & Blog
803 results
Digital Self-Harm: Examining the Trend of Students Cyberbullying Themselves
It’s every parent’s worst nightmare.Fueled by changing hormones, the stress of adolescence, and the emotional effects of bullying, a young teen...
Instagram Changes: Impact on Let’s Talk! Users
Before Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified before Congress in early April, Facebook and its other popular social media platforms, in...
Ensuring School Safety: Podcast #2 Emphasizes the Role of Strong Communication
More than two months since Parkland, and the debate over schools safety wages on--with students at the forefront.An important question for...
Post-Parkland: Students taking action on school safety.
If anything sets the Parkland, Fla., school shooting apart from other recent school tragedies, it’s the sustained effort of K-12 students to keep s...
Prioritizing Effort with Challenging Students: Attitude Over Content
A few years back, when I was teaching in a self-contained high school class in Rochester, N.Y., I had a student named AJ that would not attempt any...
5 Strategies for Reversing Declining Enrollments
Five Strategies for Increasing Student Enrollment Thirty-eight million dollars.That’s how much state funding Baltimore City Public Schools los...
Yet another walkout, providing another opportunity to involve students in discussions about safety
Students throughout the country are preparing to leave their classrooms Friday morning to participate in yet another national demonstration against...
Community Involvement in School Safety: A How-To Guide
School safety is always a priority. In the months since the Parkland shooting, safety has dominated conversations in school districts from coast to...
Navigating Tough Conversations: The Power of Right Dialogue
Leading schools where all students are successful in their world--not ours--means looking beyond current, mostly uninspiring, ideas. Today’s educat...