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Let’s Talk!: Simplifying School Customer Service and Accountability

When you work in a K-12 school, you are always accountable, in some way, to the community you serve.

This is true in the political sense–community members, including parents, elect school board members empowered to hire, and fire, district leadership.

It’s true in more direct ways too. If, for example, parents feel as if their local schools are failing their children, they can choose out–either by moving to another district or finding a local charter or private school alternative. As school choice grows in popularity, and funding clout, it’s easier than ever for families to vote with their feet.

Community members also increasingly use social media to hold schools accountable by sharing their feelings and concerns online.

Empowering a customer service mindset

For these and other reasons, a rising number of district leaders have turned their attention to improving the customer experience in schools.

While academics are important, recent research suggests that parents’ decision to choose out of their local school is often emotional and based on one or more negative experiences. When parents share these experiences online or with others, the school’s reputation inevitably takes a hit.

Your school’s brand is largely informed by how you serve and treat your customers,” writes former school district superintendent Dr. Gerald Dawkins, “from what’s being offered in the classroom, to how you support staff, faculty, and students internally, to the services provided externally to parents and the larger community.”

Let’s Talk! to customers

That’s why we developed Let’s Talk!. One of the first customer service solutions specifically for K-12 schools, Let’s Talk! gives school leaders an easy way to field community questions and concerns, while ensuring that parents, students, and other community members receive a credible reply.

Inside the system, school leaders can collaborate on reponses, share notes on feedback, and measure the quality of the experience.  

Accountability made universal

Hundreds of school districts currently use Let’s Talk! to listen to their communities and provide better customer service. And we’ve received a ton of feedback about how to make the experience that much better.

For instance, school leaders recently told us that they wanted an easier way to review and track community messages once they come to the system. You said reviewing customer messages individually was slow and time-consuming.

We heard you.

That’s why, starting this week, we’re excited to release the newest version of Let’s Talk!, including new and improved comparison reports. Here’s what you can expect from our latest release.

Easily review outstanding dialogues

New comparison reports allow you to easily filter outstanding dialogues based on interest area, user, status, as well as customer service (what we call Cx) scores. Want to know which open dialogues are older than three days? Want to see which employees are struggling to answer dialogues on time? The new comparison reports helps you pinpoint this information in seconds with a new interface and better filtering options.

Let's Talk! comparison report

Quickly filter data to check progress

Reduce the amount of time needed to find and use important trends and customer service data. New filters allow you to quickly identify specific data sets, such as high-performing dialogues, to assess your level of customer service–and change your approach if needed.

Let's Talk! filter options

Take action

Encourage stronger customer service by sending “cheer” messages to high-performing employees and “nudge” messages to those who still have outstanding dialogues to close.

Let's Talk! notify users

The quest to develop stronger accountability in schools never stops. That’s why we’re constantly looking for ways to help you improve the customer experience.

What do you think of these latest features? What other improvements can we make? Tell us in the comments.

Want to learn more about how Let’s Talk! can help improve customer service in your district? Sign up for a free demo or contact your Let’s Talk! Customer Success Specialist.