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Webinar Series: 3 Keys for Enhanced School Customer Service

Every school district faces its own unique set of challenges, which require their own solutions.

In other words: There’s no one-size-fits-all strategy for success in K-12 schools.

But, in the face of stiffer competition, shifting population sizes and demographics, increased safety concerns, and a changing technology and communication landscape, school districts are adopting a new approach to solve multiple challenges: a strong school customer experience.

“I hate to claim that there’s one silver bullet that solves all of a school’s problems,” says veteran teacher and education researcher Dr. Shelby McIntosh, “but if there ever was one, I’m starting to believe that customer service might just be it.”

Yet, even as school leaders realize the value of a strong customer experience, far fewer understand how to deliver it effectively.

Our latest on-demand webinar series highlights how school districts across the country are turning their customer service priorities into actionable strategies. Simply click on any of the examples below to hear their stories and learn valuable tips for implementing a strong customer experience culture in your district.

Secret Sauce webinarThe secret to K-12 success?

Dr. Shelby McIntosh, Vice President of Client Success at K12 Insight, highlights experiences from her career as an educator and researcher that taught her the true value of a strong customer experience in schools. Watch now

Osceoala webinarMaking customer experience a strategic priority

Leaders from the School District of Osceola County, Fla., tell us how they used a board priority for better customer service to transform their district from Good to Great. Watch now

El Paso Webinar

Training customer service SUPER heroes

Dr. Christine Wells and El Paso ISD’s Melissa Martinez share how a new form of professional development is changing how the district’s front-line leaders approach community engagement. Watch now

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Live Event: K-12 IT Service Management for the Modern Era

Discover how your IT Department can lead your district into the future
Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 2 p.m. ET