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Ready to learn how we can help you streamline inbound communications, identify problems before they become crises, and make data-driven decisions in your school district? Let’s chat.

Deliver superior customer service in your school district

K12 Insight — a leading innovator of customer intelligence solutions for schools — helps you improve customer service and stakeholder engagement using a powerful customer experience platform and chatbot, research, and professional development.

Trusted by these districts and hundreds of others across the country:

Let’s Talk created a platform for us to gather information and provide timely and consistent feedback to our stakeholders.

Dr. Scott A. Menzel

Scottsdale Unified School District (Arizona)

Let’s Talk Assistant is an innovative tool that helps us better reach the diverse communities we serve which is a core priority of ours.

Angélica Infante-Green

Providence Public Schools (Rhode Island)

Before Let’s Talk, email was a black hole. Now every dialog is auto-routed to the correct department – improving efficiency and service.

Derek Moore

Palo Alto Unified School District (California)