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Success Story
Is it possible to get rid of email? This IT leader is testing it out
What he found: There's a better way to deflect tickets and manage backend communications
Success Story
How Indianapolis Public Schools championed culture change districtwide
Successful change management takes time and careful, strategic planning. Through their Rebuilding Stronger plan, IPS has proven extensive change is...
Success Story
How Let’s Talk reduced transportation-related emails by 90% in Houston ISD
How many questions does your school district receive about transportation each day? If you're anything like Houston ISD, it's a lot! They turned to...
Success Story
Empowering frontline staff through professional development
In today's educational marketplace, school districts face fierce competition for students, employees, and funding. That’s why it’s more important t...
Success Story
Strengthening Community Through AI-Powered Customer Service
Indiana is one of the most competitive education markets in the nation, creating an environment where districts are under constant pressure to sati...
Success Story
Providing Superior Customer Service Through AI-powered Chatbot Technology
In 2021, VBCPS launched Let’s Talk to streamline district communications and Let’s Talk Assistant chatbot to provide automatic responses to FAQs. B...
Success Story
Using Let’s Talk to Support Multilingual Learners
With over half of Providence Public Schools’ students coming from homes where English is not the primary language, they knew supporting multilingua...
Success Story
Understanding and Acting on Community Opinions
Palo Alto Unified School District uses Let’s Talk to support communication engagement and make data-informed decisions.
Success Story
Empowering Students to Report Bullying Threats
Temecula Valley Unified School District uses Let’s Talk to empower students to report bullying threats and prevent crises by listening.
Success Story
Engaging and Empowering District Stakeholders
As one of the nation’s fastest growing districts, Walton County School District uses Let’s Talk to manage communications and support a positive dis...

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