Deflect tickets
Solve problems before they ever hit your inbox
Your families, students, staff, and community members have questions and want answers quickly. Provide your customers with with 24/7/365 access to answers to frequently asked questions.
Let’s Talk Knowledge Base streamlines the school help desk experience by offering a self-serve online library of help articles and the latest, most accurate information about your district.
Your families, students, staff, and community members have questions and want answers quickly. Provide your customers with with 24/7/365 access to answers to frequently asked questions.
Provide access to the latest facts and information about your district with a shared knowledge base. Proactively share accurate information across multiple channels with ease — including intranets, websites, within the Let’s Talk platform, and alongside Let’s Talk Assistant.
Equip your school staff with resources that help them eliminate repetitive tasks and easily respond to common questions so they can focus on more complex work and nuanced requests from families.