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teacher with student happy on national school principal day

On National School Principals’ Day, schools celebrate great leadership

The shifting education landscape has changed the nature of work of virtually everyone in America’s K-12 schools–from teachers to district superintendents.

But perhaps no role has undergone a deeper transformation than that of the school principal.

Today’s school principal is a team leader, coach, counselor, collaborator, cheerleader, and more, all in one.

Strong school leadership isn’t easy to achieve, especially today. But when good school leaders excel, they’re actions can change the lives of students, staff, and community members.

On Wednesday, schools and organizations across the country celebrated National School Principal’s Day, honoring the work and dedication of America’s school building leaders. Many celebrated their principals online using the hashtags #SchoolPrincipalsDay, #NationalSchoolPrincpalsDay, and #ThankAPrincipal.

Our editors combed through social media and assembled a list of our favorite posts from School Principals Day.

Here are just a few:

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Did we miss any great posts? Share them with us. How did your school or district celebrate your principals this week? Tell us in the comments.